Racing Charmings
Maria Gvardeitseva
Flying frog preserved specimens, Artificial blood, Acrylic case
London, UK
Referencing the fairy tale, Maria Gvardeitseva reflects on the socio-political aspects of marriage and divorce. In his structuralist masterpiece The Morphology of the Folk Tale Vladimir Propp described that, in the fairy tale, initiation of the hero to an adventure and a new status depends on stepping outside an institution and violating an interdiction. The hero – or heroine – is told, “Don’t, on any account, go out of the yard!”. But they do go out, and then the impossible and wonderful happens. The irony is not in doubt: the number of hallucinations and fantasies associated specifically with marriage and weddings in popular culture spills over, as well as blood and numerous Princes Charmings in the artwork.
This work is a part of the 5-Minutes Bedtime Stories project by the artist.